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Cara Memasang Kotak Komentar Facebook di Blog
nah bagaimana cara membuatnya? langsung saja kita lihat contohnya dulu, kira-kira jadinya akan seperti gambar dibawah ini.
1. Silahkan klik dulu link ini untuk menuju ke Aplikasi. isikan nama aplikasi (contoh= kotak komentar), centang persetujuan aplikasi, lalu klik tombol Buat Aplikasi Baru. Lihat gambar dibawah jika kurang jelas.

2. Anda akan dibawa ke halaman berikutnya. klik menu Web site lalu isikan alamat URL anda pada kolom yang tersedia (contoh= http://apoez.com/), kalau sudah silahkan klik Simpan Perubahan. Lihat gambar dibawah jika kurang jelas.

3. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa ke halaman berikutnya untuk mengambil ID dan email anda (ID dan Email anda nanti akan berguna untuk melengkapi code yang akan ditempatkan pada blog anda), jangan ditutup halaman ini. Lihat Gambar jika kurang jelas.

4. Silahkan masuk ke account blogger anda. kemudian pilih menu Rancangan - Edit HTML Silahkan centang dulu Expand Template Widget (Saya anjurkan anda untuk melakukan Backup Template untuk menjaga hal yang tidak diinginkan dengan klik Download Template Lengkap)
5. Silahkan cari kode ini <body> (Gunakan Fasilitas CLTR-F untuk mempercepat pencarian), setelah ketemu tambahkan code dibawah ini tepat dibawah code <body>
Silahkan anda ganti APP-ID ANDA
thanks to : suranegara.com/2010/07/cara-buat-komentar-facebook-di-blogspot.html
Cara Termudah Membuat Blog
Langkah Pertama : Membuat Account Google
- Daftarkan diri anda di google.com. Lho koq? Koq di Google? Katanya mau ngajarin bikin blog di blogger.com, koq malah di Google? Tidak salah, karena untuk masuk ke blogger, Anda harus memiliki login google.com.
- Buka browser anda kemudian ketikan alamat http://blogspot.com yang nantinya akan secara otomatis redirect ke blogger.com
- Setelah kebuka tampilan home blogspot anda bisa memilih bahasa yang dikuasai, misalkan Bahasa Indonesia.
- Kemudian Klik : Buat Blog
- Proses ini akan menciptakan account Google yang dapat Anda gunakan pada layanan Google lainnya. Jika Anda sudah memiliki sebuah account Google mungkn dari Gmail, Google Groups, atau Orkut.
Satu account Google bisa digunakan untuk mengakses semua fasilitas yang disediakan oleh Google.
Jika Anda sudah memiliki accout google, Anda bisa langsung login (masuk). Untuk login ke Google, Anda harus login dengan menggunakan alamat email.
Silahkan lengkapi.- Alamat email yang Anda masukan harus sudah ada sebelumnya. Anda akan dikirim konfirmasi ke email tersebut. Jika Anda menggunakan email palsu atau email yang baru rencana akan dibuat, maka pendaftaran bisa gagal. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan email gmail.com. Email apa saja bisa.
- Lengkapi data yang lainnya.
- Tandai "Saya menerima Persyaratan dan Layanan" sebagai bukti bahwa Anda setuju. BTW Anda sudah membacanya?
Setelah lengkap, klik tanda panah yang bertuliskan lanjutkan.Form Pendaftaran 1
Langkah Kedua : Membuat Blog
Memilih Nama Blog dan URL Blog
Jika Anda berhasil, Anda akan dibawa ke halaman seperti pada gambar dibawah. Jika gagal? Gagal biasanya karena verifikasi kata Anda salah. Itu wajar karena sering kali verifikasi kata sulit dibaca. Yang sabar saja, ulangi sampai benar. Saya sendiri sampai mengulang 3X.
Setelah Anda berhasil mendaftar, Anda akan dibawa ke halaman seperti yang ada pada gambar dibawah. Sekarang Anda mulai membuat blog dengan mengisi nama dan alamat blog Anda.
Sebagai contoh, saya menamakan blog tersebut dengan nama Alam Rahmatulloh. Saya memilih alamat blog dengan alamat http://belajar.blogspot.com akan tetapi alamat tersebut sudah ada yang buat, jadi sebagai alaternatif, saya buat dengan alamat http://beelajar.blogspot.com.
Jika Anda membuat blog dengan tujuan mempromosikan produk Anda atau produk afiliasi, maka dalam memilih nama, harus berisi nama produk atau jasa yang akan Anda tawarkan. Misalnya jika Anda ingin menjual ebook saya, Anda bisa memilih kata kunci seperti motivasi, sukses, berpikir positif, dan kata-kata kunci lainnya yang sesuai.
Anda juga bisa meneliti kata kunci yang paling banyak dicari orang (tentu harus berhubungan dengan produk yang Anda jual) di
Anda bisa mengecek ketersediaan alamat blog yang Anda pilih. Jika tersedia bisa Anda lanjutkan. Jika tidak tersedia, maka Anda harus kreatif mencari nama lain atau memodifikasi alamat yang sudah ada, misalnya ditambahkan abc, xzy, 101, dan bisa juga dengan menyisipkan nama Anda.
Lanjutkan dengan klik tanda panah bertuliskan LANJUTKAN.Langkah ketiga : Memilih Blog Template
Pilih desain yang sesuai dengan selera Anda.
Berhasil? Tentu saja berhasil, memang mudah koq. Jika berhasil, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman seperti yang ada pada gambar dibawah.
Pilihlah tema yang sesuai dengan selera Anda. Jika tidak ada yang sesui dengan selera Anda, jangan khawatir, nanti masih banyak pilihan tema yang bisa Anda install sendiri. Sekarang pilih saja tema agar proses pembuatan blog bisa diselesaikan. Anda bisa preview tema dengan klik gambarnya.
Untuk Memilih tema Anda klik (tandai) bulatannya o seperti pada gambar dibawah. Lihat yang saya tunjuk dengan panah merah buatan saya.
Setelah itu Anda klik tanda panah yang bertuliskan LANJUTKANMemilih Tema
Belajar Membuat Blog Selesai
Sekarang tinggal posting, pengaturan, dan tata letak
Selamat, sekarang Anda sudah memiliki sebuah blog. Sekarang Anda sudah mulai bisa memposting pemikiran Anda di blog dan dibagi ke seluruh dunia.
Memang masih ada beberapa hal yang harus Anda lakukan, yaitu pengaturan, tata letak, penambahan eleman, dan penggantian tema jika Anda menginginkan tema yang lain. Ini untuk tingkat lanjut.
Sekian Tahapan pembuatan Blog. Semoga Bermanfaat...
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Nexian NX-G777 Batman Special Discount at Mall Senayan City Jakarta Nexian NX-G777 Batman Nexian NX-G777 Batman Special Discount at Mall Senayan City
Nexian NX-G777 Batman Special Discount at Mall Senayan City Jakarta
Nexian, one of local phone maker, just introduced their new phone for man, named Nexian Batman a.k.a Nexian NX-G777.
From the design, Nexian Batman NX-G777 is not different with the previous Nexian She, so we guest that Nexian Batman NX-G777 tends to man market.
Nexian introduced the gadget since August 25 and would end September 19 at Mall Senayan City Jakarta with price only Rp1,039,200 from the normal price Rp1,299,000.
And special on August 28, the price would down more 10%.
Here are the specifications of Nexian Batman NX-G777:
-Dual GSM 900/1800MHz
- Camera 2MP
- 2.4 inch VGA LCD
- Trackpad Navigation
- FM Radio
- Nexian Messenger
- MP3 Player
- Video Player
- NMC Player
- Nexian Zone
- Supports Chatting applications
- Supports Facebook & Twitter
- Stereo Speaker (with SRS System
- Bluetooth
- Support External Memory
- Language : Indonesian – English
- Voice Recorder
- Audio Recorder
Nokia N9 Specifications Rumor Getting Closer
Nokia N9, got rumored again and seem to be real.
Some expected that Nokia N9 would announce on Nokia World but some predicted that Nokia N9 would be introduced about December and also said about the first quarter of 2011.
The gadget might be close to mini MacBook looks like and would be equipped with camera 12 megapixel.
In India, the price of Nokia N9 predicted would about Rs.30,000.
Here are the speculation specs of Nokia N9:
Nokia N9 Mobile Key Features:
Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Camera: 12 MP
Video Player
Card slot: microSD, up to 32GB, buy memory
Radio: Stereo FM radio with RDS
Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF)
TV-out via HDMI and composite
Nokia N9 Mobile Specification:
2G Network: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G Network: HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1700 / 2100 /1900
Status: Rumored. Exp. release 2011, 1Q
Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
3.5 mm audio jack
Camera: 12 MegaPixels
Card slot: microSD, up to 32GB, buy memory
GPRS: Class 33
EDGE: Class 33
3G: HSDPA, 10.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 2.0 Mbps
WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, UPnP technology
Bluetooth: Yes, v3.0 with A2DP
USB: Yes, microUSB v2.0
ND filter, geo-tagging, face and smile detection
Video Player
Secondary: VGA videocall camera
Messaging: SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM
Browser: WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, RSS feeds
Radio: Stereo FM radio with RDS
TV-out via HDMI and composite
Dolby Digital Plus via HDMI
Anodized aluminum casing
Digital compass
MP3/WMA/WAV/eAAC+ player
DivX/XviD/MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV player
Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF)
Video/photo editor
Flash Lite v4.0
Standard battery, Li-Ion
Nokia C7 With Call and End Button on the Front, Nokia N8 With Only Single Button
Nokia C7 With Call and End Button on the Front, Nokia N8 With Only Single Button
Rumor about Nokia C7 comes again on the internet.
Nokia C7 rumored as the cheap version of Nokia N8 and would be introduced at Nokia World on September.
In general, the specifications of Nokia C7 and Nokia N8 are almost same except C7 owns two buttons “call and end” while N8 only has a single button.
From the price side, Nokia C7 is cheaper then Nokia N8, Nokia C7 price would about 3.4 million rupiah while Nokia N8 price is about 4.2 million rupiah.
Here are the rumor specs of Nokia C7:
-OS Symbian ^3
-Camera 8MP With dual-LED flash
-Display nHD touchscreen 3.5 inch
-Button Call and End on front
-3G HSDPA 3.6Mbps
-port microUSB, no microHDMI
-Bluetooth 2.0 A2DP
-Internal Memory 8GB.
-audio jack 3.5mm
-Battery 1200mAh
Samsung Omnia 735 Pro 4, Wave 2 and Wave 2 Pro Come in Germany, See the Specs
Samsung Omnia 735 Pro 4, Wave 2 and Wave 2 Pro Come in Germany, See the Specs
At last, Samsung Omnia 735 Pro 4, Wave 2 and Wave 2 Pro reported come in Germany.
The Samsung Omnia 735 Pro 4 runs Windows Mobile and Wave 2 & Wave 2 Pro run Bada OS would go on sale with price about USD380.
The specifications and features of Samsung Omnia 735 Pro 4, Wave 2 and Wave 2 Pro are as the following:
Samsung Omnia 735 Pro 4:
QWERTY, WinMo 6.5.3, resistive display 2.62 inch 320 x 320 pixel, Office Mobile 2010, jack audio 3.5mm, HSPA, Wi-Fi, GPS, Camera autofocus 3.2MP and support MicroSD Card up to 32GB.
Samsung Wave 2 and Wave 2 Pro:
QWERTY, Bada OS, quad-band GSM/EDGE, WiFi, GPS, display TFT WQVGA 3.2 inch, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, jack audio 3.5mm, Camera 3.2 MP, not support 3G.
Samsung S5530 Slider Classic Phone Officially Announced
Samsung S5530 Slider Classic Phone Officially Announced
Samsung S5530 is slider classic phone from Samsung that officially announced.
Samsung S5530 is also packed with :
-GSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800/1900 MHz
-2.2 inch 256K Color TFT Display
-Internal Memory 40MB
-MicroUSB Connector
-FM radio with RDS
-Java Games
-Built-in Instant Messenger
-Audio/Video Player
-Talk Time:Up to 8 hours
-Stand-by Time: Up to 400 Hours
-Expandable Memory 16GB Micro SD Card Slot
-3.2 Megapixels Camera with Digital Zoom
-Bluetooth v2.1 + A2DP
-Dimensions: 105 x 49.5 x 11.5 mm
-Weight: 96 gm
Some said that in India, Samsung S5530 would cost about 4,000 Indian Rupee (INR).
CSL Blueberry 2800T Tri Promo available in 3Store and Cellular Show 2010 Jatim Expo Surabaya
CSL Blueberry 2800T Tri Promo available in 3Store and Cellular Show 2010 Jatim Expo Surabaya
CSL Blueberry 2800T bundled with Tri carrier offers sale package and special price that available in 3Store and at Cellular Show 2010 Jatim Expo Surabaya.
The special price is Rp. 525,000 from normal price Rp. 650,000 while the package offer is free SIM Card Tri and bonus reload Rp.10,000 with conditions.
CSL Blueberry 2800T specifications are here:
-Dual GSM-GSM Standby
-Camera Digital
-Audio & Video Recorder
-FM Radio
-Leather Pouch
-Islamic Features (Al-Qur’an, Athan, Qibla)
Nexgen X888, X8 and X1 at Cellular Show 2010 Surabaya in Jatim Expo
Nexgen X888, X8 and X1 at Cellular Show 2010 Surabaya in Jatim Expo
If you are in on Cellular Show 2010 Exhibition at Jatim Expo Surabaya, just drop by in Nexgen booth.
On the exhibition that would be held up to August 22, Nexgen offers special price for Nexgen X888, Nexgen X8 and Nexgen X1:
Hape Trackpad TV Nexgen X888: Rp549,000
Nexgen X8: Rp.449.000
Nexgen X1: 499.000
The Nexgen claimed their phone as slim phones with standard features such as Facebook, Yahoo!Messenger, Dual Camera and Video Chat.
Pre-Order Blackberry Pearl 3G And Curve 3G Indosat For Mandiri Credit Card Holder
Pre-Order Blackberry Pearl 3G And Curve 3G Indosat For Mandiri Credit Card Holder
Here are the pre-order prices of Blackberry Pearl 3G and Curve 3G Indosat for Mandiri Credit Card Holder.
The pre-order prices are :
BlackBerry® Curve 3G : Rp 2,999,000 (normally Rp 3,499,000)
BlackBerry® Pearl 3G: Rp 3,249,000 (normally Rp 3,749,000)
The customer must meet the Indosat’s terms and conditions as the following:
-Promo is only applicable to holders of Credit Card Mandiri. Available installment 0% for 12 months
-Special Price for 200 people is only the first customer of each type of BlackBerry handsets.
-Maximum purchase is the first BlackBerry units for each type per card.
-Place and Time Decision handset will be further informed by Indosat.
-FREE subscription to BIS Regular Indosat for two months, effective at month 3 and 4
-Must apply new Matrix card or activate the BB service in the old Matrix numbers and subscription for 6 months
-Indosat & Bank Mandiri has the right to cancel pre order if the data / information in accordance with the order did not pre-defined conditions
Just for being consideration, here are the specification of BlackBerry® Pearl 3G
and BlackBerry® Curve 3G:
Specifications BlackBerry® Pearl 3G:
BONUS: Flash Disk 4GB, Screen Guard
Features: BlackBerryMessenger, Instant Messaging, Phone, Browser, 3G Network Support, Optical Trackpad, Simultaneous Voice and Data, Email and Text messaging, Social Media Application, Video Recording, Wi-Fi, GPS, Media Player, Organizer, Bluetooth, Upgradable Memori up to 32 GB, Tethered Modem
Specifications BlackBerry® Curve 3G:
BONUS: Flash Disk 4GB, Screen Guard
Features: 3G Network Support, Optical Trackpad, Full QWERTY keyboard, Simultaneous Voice and Data, Email and Text messaging, BlackBerryMessenger, Instant Messaging, Phone, Browser, Social Media Application, Video Recording, Wi-Fi, GPS, Media Player, Organizer, Bluetooth, Upgradable Memori up to 32 GB, Tethered Modem
Garmin-Asus M10 at Gadget Bazaar Extraordinarie MKG 3
Garmin-Asus M10 at Gadget Bazaar Extraordinarie MKG 3
The world’s first smart 3 phone (Smart Navigation, Smart Phone and Smart LifeStyle), Garmin-Asus M10 is showed at Gadget Bazaar Extraordinarie MKG 3.
Garmin-Asus M10 offers the special feature and also it’s as the advantage, WiFi Sharing.
The collaboration phone between Garmin the GPS company and Asus, result a phone with specifications such as the following:
flash memory internal 4GB, HSPA downlink up to 7.2Mbps, Wi-Fi, USB v2.0, Bluetooth 2.0, EDR, Qualcomm MSM7227 600 MHz, RAM 512MB RAM, ROM 512MB ROM, Camera 5 megapixel, Display 3.5 inch, Windows Mobile 6.5.3, Facebook, Youtube and On Par Performance with Garmin 1460 PND.
The normal price of Garmin-Asus M10 is about 3.995 million rupiah and until August 22 the gadget shows at Gadget Extraordinarie MKG 3.
Titan W8, Titan T778 and Titan T989 Journey, Handphone TV At Glance
Titan W8, Titan T778 and Titan T989 Journey, Handphone TV At Glance
I am just getting 3 Titan series phones which are Titan W8, Titan T778 and T989 Journey.
From the specifications at glance, the three phones are TV Phone because these were equipped with TV Analog.
These gadget also equipped and supported with WiFi, Facebook, Yahoo!Messenger, Opera Mini, Camera, Java, Google and Twitter.
Specification of Titan W8:
Quad Band, GPS, GPRS, Analog TV, WinMo 6.5, Touch Screen, Trackpad, Java, FM Radio, Dual GSM Standby, Bluetooth and 2 Cameras.
Specification of Titan T778:
Dual GSM Standby, Analog TV, 2 Cameras, Screen 3.2 Inch TFT 262K and touchscreen,
Specification of T989 Journey:
Quad Band, TV, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi, Full Screen Touch, MP2/MP4, Java, 2 Camera, Dual SIM Card and bigger Memory.
No price detail about the devices.
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 Android India To Launch, Indonesia The Next 3 Month
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 Android India To Launch, Indonesia The Next 3 Month
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 “Shakira”, informed about to launch in India soon.
A news say that Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 to launch in India about at the beginning of September with price projection about Rs 15,000.
How about Indonesia? Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 predicted would come in Indonesia about the next three months.
The specifications of Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 Shakira are as the following:
Operating system: Google Android Donut, version 1.6
Screen 16,777,216 colour TFT touchscreen
Capacitive touchscreen
3.0 inches
320 x 480 pixels (HVGA
Camera: 3.2 megapixel camera
Bluetooth stereo (A2DP)
Phone memory: Up to 128 MB
Processor: 600MHz
Memory card support: microSD up to 16GB
Video recording
Music Player
Memory card included: 2 GB
Scratch-resistant (min. pencil hardness 6H)
Technical Specifications
Size: 99 x 54 x 15 mm
Weight: 104g
3.5 mm audio jack
Bluetooth technology
Micro USB connector
NeoReader® barcode scanning app
USB mass storage
USB support
Google services
Android Market Client
WebKit web browser
Facebook application
Sony Ericsson Home with Widget
Google Maps
Wisepilot turn-by-turn navigation(free trial version)
Instant messaging
Google Calendar
Google LatitudeTM
Google Maps with Street View
Google search widget
Google Talk
Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync® support with Dataviz RoadSync
Picture messaging (MMS)
Predictive text input
Text messaging (SMS)
Sony Ericsson FM radio
Video streaming
BlackBerry R020 To Replace BB Bold 9700 Onyx ?, Specifications Leak
BlackBerry R020 To Replace BB Bold 9700 Onyx ?, Specifications Leak
In the internet has been discussing about the next of BlackBerry Bold 9700 Onyx replacement.
The sign about that is coming after a spreading rumor about the specifications of BB R020.
BlackBerry Bold R020 is mentioned as the next of BB Bold 9700.
The specifications of BlackBerry Bold R020 rumors are as the following:
-Processor – 624 MHz
-5.0 MP Camera and Non Camera, AF, Flash
-Global Reach –Tri Band UMTS/Quad-Band EDGE
-2.44 inch HVGA + display (480×360)
-High ARPU Sevive Enablers (aGPS and Wi-Fi/UMA Capable)
-High Speed USB
-Bluetooth 2.1
-More Base Memory 512 MB
-MicroSD -32GB Support – High Capacity als usable for applications
-Standard 3.5 mm Stereo Headset Jack
-Outstanding Battery Life (1500 mAhr Battery with advance power management)
TiPhone T33 Opick with 2.0 inch LCD TV, digital camera
TiPhone T33 Opick with 2.0 inch LCD TV, digital camera
New TiPhone T33 comes up again by performing Opick as the icon to address the fasting month.
TiPhone T33 Opick price is 555,000 Rupiah including new 5 Opick Song, Opick’s wallpaper and Opick’s video clip.
TiPhone T33 Opick is a double GSM phone that has advantage as TV phone with 2.0 inch LCD.
Apart of that TiPhone T33 is packed with digital camera, 3D Speaker, FM Radio, Torch, calculator, Video chat, Bluetooth, Java, free Micro SD 2Gb and Alarm.
Nokia X3-02 Touch and Type Review and Specifications at Glance
Nokia X3-02 Touch and Type Review and Specifications at Glance
Nokia was just launched their new phone that what they called as the first S40 phone support touchscreen and along with tradistional keypad, Nokia X3-02 Touch and Type.
The gadget that would available on third quarter would use display screen TFT resistive touchscreen.
The camera of Nokia X3-02 Touch and Type is 5 megapixel with recording video.
The gadget that would available in 5 different colors White Silver, Dark Metal, Petrol Blue, Pink and Lilac to cost about 125 Euro.
Here are the specifications in general:
Quad Band & HSDPA;
Available: Q3 2010;
Weight: 78 gram;
Dimension: 10,62×4,84×0,96 cm,
Camera: 5MP, video;
Display: TFT resistive touchscreen 262,144 colors, 240×320 piksel, 2,4 inch;
Others: HTML; slot microSD card (up to 16GB); polyphonic (MP3), java MIDP 2.1, jack audio 3,5mm, sms, mms, email, IM; GPRS 10, EDGE 10, HSDPA, HSUPA, WAP 2.0/xHTML, dedicated music button, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, radio FM stereo (RDS), Windows live Messenger, Yahoo!Messenger, GTalk, Facebook, Twitter, player MP3/WAV/eAAC+, player MP4/H.263, organiser, voice memo, speakerphone, Bluetooth v2.1 (A2DP), port microUSB 2.0; Battery Li-Ion (BL-4S)
Harga Hape Smart Fren Islami (ZTE C261) Key Features and Specs
Harga Hape Smart Fren Islami (ZTE C261) Key Features and Specs
After Esia with Hape Esia Hidayah, now SmartFren come with Moeslem Phone along with contents for moeslem.
The phone named Harga Hape Smart Fren Islami a.k.a ZTE C261.
Harga Hape Smart Fren Islami (ZTE C261) also can be used as modem with speed to 153.6 Kbps.
Here are the specifications and features of Harga Hape Smart Fren Islami (ZTE C261):
-Opera Mini
-CDMA 1x Modem (speed to 153.6 Kbps).
-WAP 2.0
-Brew 3.15
-MP3 Player
-Slot MicroSD
-Asmaul Husna
-Novel Islami
-Kajian Islami
-Hadits Shahih
-RBT Islami (free 30 days)
-SMS Islami (Free 30 days)
-Adzan Remainder (Free 30 days)
-Free Unlimited 30 days
The price of Hape Smart Fren Islami is 319,000 Rupiah + tax.
ZTE CR-750 Android Powered with rocessor Qualcomm MSM7627
ZTE CR-750 Android Powered with rocessor Qualcomm MSM7627
Here is an Android phone from ZTE that reported about to be released soon in China.
It’s ZTE CR-750 supported with processor Qualcomm MSM7627 and runs Android Éclair (2.1).
ZTE CR-750 also would be packed with camera 3.5 megapixel and audio jack 3.5 mm.
The following are the specifications of ZTE CR-750:
-Android 2.1
-Display 3.2 inci (240×400) multi touch
-audio 3.5mm
-Camera 3.5 MP
-Processor Qualcomm MSM7627
-FM Radio
-WiFi / WAPI
ZTE CR-750 would be launched by China Telecom for quick with price about USD373.
However, there is no information whether this phone would going to launch in Indonesia or not.
TiPhone T55 Handphone TV and Music Specification and Feature
TiPhone T55 Handphone TV and Music Specification and Feature
TiPhone Mobile come again with their new phone that cost 699,000 Rupiah.
The phone is TiPhone T55 that provides 1000 songs for free in a month without need to download it and also 25 permanent songs.
Beside as music phone, TiPhone T55 also completed with TV Analog and camera digital.
To support of hearing music, TiPhone T55 is also provided with audio Player that support Yamaha Audio Amplifier and video.
PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia also have other target too toward this phone which is to company the user during Ied holiday travel.
The following are the specifications of TiPhone T55:
-Dual On GSM
-TV Analog
-audio Player support Yamaha Audio Amplifier and video,
-Slot micro SD
-platform Java
-radio FM
-Camera digital.
-Facebook, Friendster, Juzfriend, MyPulau, Chat Box, Yahoo Messenger, and MSN Messenger
Apart of that TiPhone T55 also bundled with Telkomsel that offer Talkmania for an hour with tariff Rp2,000, 1MB Internet, and bonus NSP.
Samsung Galaxy 3 GT-i5800 and Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-i5500 India Released, Middle Phones
Usually, not for long, the both phones should jolt the Indonesia market.
The gadgets that equipped with UI TouchWiz 3.0 would cost about Rs.13,000 (2.5 million Rupiah) for Galaxy 3 and Rs.10,200 (2 million Rupiah) for Galaxy 5.
Here are the key features and specs of Samsung Galaxy 3 GT-i5800 and Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-i5500:
Samsung Galaxy 3 (GT-i5800)
Display 3.2 inci WQVGA 240×400Px, TFT
UI TouchWiz 3.0
OS Android 2.1
Processor 667 Mhz
Support 3G HSDPA 3.6Mbps (GSM Dual band 900/2100)
Camera 3.0 megapixel Autofocus
Internal memory 170Mb
Slot MicroSD (up to 32GB)
DLNA Support
Support Wifi b/g/n dan Bluetooth 3.0
FM Radio
App : Thinkfree Office Suit, Layar, Swype, Facebook, Youtube, & Google App
Battery 1500mAh
Samsung Galaxy 5 (GT-i5500)
OS Android 2.1
UI TouchWiz 3.0
Display 2.8 inch QVGA 240×320px, TFT
Processor 600Mhz MSM7227-1
Camera 2 Megapixel (No Flash)
3G/HSDPA 7.2Mbps (GSM DualBand 900/2100)
Wi-fi, Bluetooth 2.1, & A-GPS
Slot MicroSD (up to 32GB)
FM radio
Battery 1220mAh
Hape Esia Hidayah Sholeh, Amanah and sholeh QWERTY Price and specifications
Esia launched three phones what called as the first Islamic phones in the world that installed with Al-Quran and Juz Amma with color block tajwid, quick method of reading Al-Quran, and hadits collections.
Those phones are Hape Esia Hidayah Amanah, Hape Esia Sholeh and Hape Esia Sholeh QWERTY.
The new Hape Esia Hidayah Ramadhan version actually would be intended to parent and their children, Hape Esia Hidayah Amanah is for parent and Hape Esia Sholeh & Hape Esia Sholeh QWERTY for children.
While the price of those phones are
-Hape Esia Hidayah Amanah: Rp. 499,000
-Hape Esia Sholeh: Rp. 299,000
-Hape Esia Sholeh QWERTY : Rp. 199,000
Double Desktop, quick solution to hide the screen
Usually prefer games interspersed with light, open Internet, etc..
However, doing such a break above would be annoying as well if the boss found out the same .. even if we are good boss, keep at least we'd be embarrassed to make.
How to prevent it, of course, we immediately close the windows of the games or the Internet we really know the boss will approach us.
This method is certainly very annoying, having to force one by one we close .. yet again with our nerves, .. imaginable .. :)
The solution .., there are many ways that our programs that we should soon disappear without closing it.
One of them we can use DoubleDesktop.
With double the desktop computer as if we have two desktop screen view ..
Display the first screen we can use only for program-related course work, and a longer view we use for our personal.
Therefore, when necessary, with just one click, view the computer screen we would move from one display to another display.
Tips and Tricks using Office 2007
According to the website of Office 2007 that this version of Office 2007 has more speed than earlier versions of Office that has been mentioned above. Then, with a high level of curiosity (whoa ...) I tried trial version (borrowed a friend). Bener indeed there is so corpulent differences that occur, especially in terms of interfaces (views) when using this program. So what gitu loh? What's the difference if so we discussed one by one aje yee ... so g lama2 curiosity ...
1.Microsoft Word 2007 ®
Talk about the Word 2007 program is definitely for pengatikan dunk was ... yes yes! Ok just to the point there is indeed a lot of difference. Although there is not m

Wahhh ... Bener yes yes yes ... the difference is really! You can see directly is a significant difference. Of all the existing functions of the same average aja. So your suggestion is a good idea to spend a little time to make yourself more familiar with the traffic system is a new icon that is on this word in 2007. There must be no confusion even use the task bar icon and function exist in Word 2007.
Then file storage function also showed improvement where there is downsizing the number of files are so significant, usually with the number 300 KB Word 2003 using Word 2007 but this number to 200 KB. The amounts are not so small. But whether the quality of its contents to be reduced? Apparently not, but just the same as that in Word 2003. Besides the advantages of the word in 2007 was also able to save word file to a pdf format that later if it is saved as a pdf can be read results in adobe reader.
Upshot: Word 2007 quite stout overalls found significant progress and penulistidak experience problems in using the word in 2007 was good in terms of speed itui open a file or when typing there are no barriers. The author uses a computer Intel Pentium 4 1.8 GHz with 768 MB of RAM. Then in 2007 need to be reminded that this office can only be installed at least on Windows XP SP 2 with a minimum of 256 MB memory (already in test by the author in memory 256 can walk though the speed of open files for a long time about 1 minute.
2.Microsoft Excel 2007
In Excel 2007 is in general have the same explanation with the word in 2007 in which this application has an attractive interface and fast working time efficiency because of the available icon is displayed on the top taskbar so to create a table just click two times only. Compared with Excel 2003 should beberapalangkah newly formed first tables. Here is the view from excel 2007:
3.Microsoft Powerpoint 2007
In PowerPoint 2007 had been amended in terms of interface and a very cepatpula work efficiency compared to previous versions. Moreover, if we want to use powerpoint slide themes you want to use the mouse cursor directs us to stay on the task bar design and it will automatically display it on a slide and you harusmengkonfirmasi if you want to use these themes by clicking two times on the desired theme. Easy is not?
To make a smooth transition effects and a good slide that we just point your mouse on the task bar above the "animation" and choose in accordance with the desire by pointing the mouse on a cool animation effects.
In addition there are three yanga applications in Office 2007 is still there are some other applications depending on which version of Office 2007 that you buy. If you buy a professional then there is some that is not included in the package, while Office 2007 Professional when you buy a version of the entrepreneurs then you will get almost all of the application package in addition to the mandatory ie Word, excel and power point are available. If you are interested in then try and use this is the office in 2007.